Dr. Heinrich Wilsenach

An Emily Erskine Postdoctoral Fellow

Heinrich is a postdoctoral researcher working in the field of nuclear astrophysics. 


Heinrich was born in South Africa and did his Master’s degree at the University of Sussex in the UK. He received his Doctorate degree from Technische Universität Dresden in Germany under the supervision of Professor Dr Kai Zuber, measuring long-lived alpha decay. Afterwards, he won a DAAD PRIME fellowship to do a joint postdoctoral research project shared between the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen in Germany and the University of Tel-Aviv in Israel. 


Heinrich is currently leading the SARaf exOtic Nuclide fAcility (SARONA) project in the group of Dr Moshe Friedman at the Hebrew University. This project focuses on designing and building a system to measure neutron-induced fission fragments at the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF).